As I have met with many men over the last few years and counseled many students, I have listened to them tell me about the things in their lives that turn into idols. I also know in my own life what became an idol.

Sexual sin is not the only kind of idolatry, and it is not the worst sin one can commit. However, after thinking of my own journey and helping so many men and students on their journey, I have discovered that sexual sin is a massive idol in today’s culture.

I am sure I am not telling you anything new. I chose to start the new year off with the “Purpose for Sex” series for multiple reasons:

  1. Many of the men and students I have helped were not taught the true purpose of sex growing up, either in their homes or in church.
  2. Culture is teaching many false things about sex and its purpose.
  3. If I understand the purpose for sex, then I have a much better shot of understanding God’s boundaries.

The “Purpose for Sex” series will be broken down into these 7 parts:

  1. Sex is worship.
  2. Sex is about intimacy.
  3. Sex demonstrates faithfulness.
  4. Sex is intended to be a selfless act.
  5. Sex is for pleasure.
  6. Sex produces a Godly heritage.
  7. God honoring sex can only be heterosexual.

Let’s look at this idea of sex being worship.

Genesis 1-2 gives us the Biblical account of creation. Colossians 1 shows us that all of creation is for Jesus. We were created by Jesus so we could worship Jesus.

Because of sin, the wrong things we say and do, as well as the wrong in our hearts and minds, we are separated from God and destined for hell. Many passages in Scripture talk about this (Romans 3 and 6, and Ephesians 2). We were created for Him, but because of sin, we can’t live for Him.

The Bible also teaches us that God made a way through Christ for us to be forgiven so we could know Him and worship Him. You can see this throughout Scripture, but a few great passages to look at on this are Romans 6, Ephesians 1-2, or Colossians 1.

Once I place my faith and trust in Christ, I am a child of God, and I can now live out my purpose (worshiping Him!).

Knowing Jesus changes our perspective on everything. It changes how I do single life or married life. It impacts how I raise my kids and spend my money. Knowing Christ changes how I view entertainment, work, leisure, etc.

And guess what? Knowing Christ changes my perspective of sex. Christ created me to worship Him. Christ went to the cross and rose from the dead so I could worship Him.

All of life is about His glory. All of life revolves around Him. He changes how I think, speak, and act.

Sex has been so distorted in our culture. Therefore, when I call it an act of worship towards Jesus, it weirds people out.

Take the perversion away for a second. Think of how beautiful God is, and think of the beauty and magnificence of His creation. Strip away any perverse thought and just think about how beautiful the idea of sex really is. Two becoming one in body, but more importantly, becoming one deep in their soul.

God created this. There is an entire book in Scripture (Song of Solomon) devoted to it.

God set aside this heterosexual act to be done in the context of marriage. I will explain why later in this series.

Just think of it: For the married person, they can have pure, holy sex with their spouse with no shame as an act of worship towards Almighty God.

Students and singles can wait until marriage to participate in this. Waiting is an act of worship to Almighty God.

Some people are called to singleness. Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 7. A single person can go their entire life and not have sex. Somehow in this, if a person will really press in with the Lord, God can have real intimacy with this person. And it can be greater intimacy than any sex act. For this single person, that is amazing worship.

My point is this: All of life is about Jesus, and every aspect of my life can be an act of worship to Him.

Think about what Paul says in Acts 20:24. It reads, “But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.”

Paul had one purpose (worship Jesus). He did not consider his own life dear to himself.

We consider our lives very dear, and we have elevated sex to this place of supremacy.

What if we said, “I don’t count my life dear to me (anything in my life, including sex). I just want to live my life for Jesus and His Gospel.”

If I lived like this, and God gave me the gift of sex in the context of marriage, then every time I had sex it would be for Him to worship Him and bring glory to His name!

May we worship Jesus in every aspect of our life. May we worship Him while having sex in heterosexual marriage, and may we worship while abstaining outside of marriage.

May we talk about this in the church and in our Christian home.

Let’s not be afraid to talk about what God was not afraid to create. In fact, let’s talk about it appropriately, but openly. Let’s be very clear that God’s purpose for sex was to bring honor and glory to His name!

Josh Proctor
Founder at Caleb Micah Ministries | Website |  + posts

Caleb Micah Ministries was founded by Josh Proctor. Josh was set free from porn addiction several years ago, and he felt called to help others experience the truth of the gospel so they can walk in freedom. He is married to Kelly, and they have 8 children (5 girls, 3 boys). They live in Texas.

Our Ministry is named in honor of Josh and Kelly’s son, Caleb Micah, who they lost in 2010. May the work that is done help people find the truth so they can walk in freedom.


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